You're leaving teaching but have no idea where to start!  Start here  with this mini course and get 10% off using the code START HERE 

Career Change for Teachers

Are you a teacher struggling with finding a career after teaching?  Maybe you're not sure where to start or  confused about what is the  best option for you?

Would you like to reduce your overwhelm and find a new career that you love, in the most efficient and effective way?

I can help!  I have written my signature online course Career Change for Teachers   especially for you.

Career Change for Teachers is an in depth, step by step guide to transition from teaching to a career you will love. 

Using my 6 step Career Change Process you will go from  confusion and overwhelm to confidence, focus and success. 

By the end of the course you'll have a clear pathway to follow that's based on your values, strengths, skills, passions and needs. But more importantly you'll have the  mindset and skills to succeed and the confidence to pursue your chosen pathway. 


You’re a teacher who’s feeling burnt out, dissatisfied and fed-up. You’re ready for a career change, but you don’t know where to start.

Does this sound familiar?

  •   You don’t know what else you can do with your teaching degree
  •   You think that teaching is the only skill you have
  •   You’re worried you won’t find anything better
  •   You don’t want to start at the bottom of the pay scale again
  •   You don’t want to have to go back to university and run-up another debt 

How would you feel if:

  • you had more time and energy to do all of your favourite activities again?
  • you had more time for your family?
  • you were respected and appreciated for your work?
  • you had confidence in your skills and abilities?
  • you spent no more Sundays  dreading Monday?
  • you were paid well?

What if this was possible and there was a way to change careers without all the overwhelm and self doubt?

Ready to take the leap?  Let me show you how.


Career Change for Teachers is your step by step guide to transition from teaching to a career that is RIGHT for you

Making the decision to leave teaching and find something new is a big step.

It’s so easy to get caught up in overwhelm or desperation and start applying for anything and everything that you think you could do. I hear this a lot from teachers who have been applying for jobs for months with no success. They feel disheartened and as time goes on less and less confident in their own abilities.

If this is you, please know that there is nothing wrong with you or your skills, but you might be getting in your own way and sabotaging your own success. If you want to get this career change right, taking shortcuts is not the most effective or efficient way to go. The more efficient way to do this is to focus your search and save time by getting clear on:

• who you are and what you want from your career

• why teaching is no longer a fit

• what you can offer in your new career

ONLY then will you be in a place to look at alternative careers and how they will fit. This is exactly the approach I have used in  Career Change for Teachers. And don’t worry it doesn’t need to take too long. I have used the most efficient and effective strategies that I use with my coaching clients to work this out quickly. So, get rid of the overwhelm and do some work first so that you can find the RIGHT career for you.



What TEACHERS are saying:

Career Change for Teachers is an excellent, self-paced program that helped me take stock of my skills, interests, and values. I liked all of the reflection activities because they forced me to slow down and not make any impulsive decisions based on emotions or burnout. My follow up one-on-one career coaching session with Carolyn was a great way to tie it all together and help me move forward. Carolyn is highly knowledgeable and insightful, and she can really help you if you’re stuck and wondering “What next?!” Shanda 2024


Course Curriculum

Module 1   Your Vision

  • Create a Vision
  • Find your WHY.

Module 2 Job Search Mindset

  • Mindset
  • Beliefs

 Module 3 Your Selling Points

  • Transferable Skills and Strengths
  • Passions Interests and Purpose

Module 4 What's important to you.

  • Identify Your Values 
  • Your extrinsic values and core needs

Module 5 Take Action

  • Career Research

Bonus Module Resumes and Cover Letters

  • Resume
  • Cover Letters


What you get inside the course

  • Bite sized lessons for busy teachers
  • Self-paced video lessons
  • Workbooks and activities
  • Examples and templates

Unlock Your Bonus Resume Pack - 

When you complete the course, you’ll unlock a BONUS Resume Pack which includes templates and cover letters and everything you need to know to get your resume ready to start applying for those ideal positions you've identified.


There are 2 options to this course:

Option 1  the self paced digital course with video lessons and workbooks (as described above)  or

Option 2  the VIP version includes everything in Option 1  PLUS   90 minutes of one to one coaching with me. The coaching can be accessed at any time throughout the course and can be used as 1 x 60 minute +1 x 30 minutes or 2 x 45 minutes or email exchanges up to 90 minutes, if that works better for you,

Choose the best option for at checkout


I am Carolyn, a former teacher, who knows first hand what challenges you are facing. Like you I decided that I no longer wanted to teach. It took me quite a while to find my own path but I've condensed my experience  into this comprehensive course.  Let me be your guide on this exciting journey towards a happier, more fulfilling career.   

Don't let fear hold you back any longer. Embrace change and take control of your future. Enrol in Career Change for Teachers today and let's unlock the door to your dream career.

  Click "Buy Now" to embark on your transformational journey today.

7 Modules


Welcome to Career Change for  Teachers.  And congratulations on taking action to find your next career. It’s great to have you here and you are in absolutely the right place if teaching is no longer the right career for you 

Module 1 Create your Vision

This module includes some important groundwork.  At the end of Module 1, you will have a  detailed vision for your future, the reasons you want this and what might get in your way.

Module 2 Job Search Mindset

In Module 2 you will uncover your job search mindset as well as discovering why your mindset is important for your job search success. 

Module 3 Your Selling Points

In Module 3 we’ll be looking at the value you bring to your future career. This includes your skills and strengths as well as your interests, passion and purpose.

Module 4 What's important to you

In Module 4 get clear on what's important to you as you investigate your core values and what you need your job to provide you.

Module 5 Take Action

This is the exciting part where you integrate everything you’ve done so far to create the last 4 stages of the 6 Step Career Change process.

 After combining all your information from previous modules, you'll get into some detailed and focused job search and  find the perfect job for you.

At the end of this Module, you’ll also unlock your access to the Bonus Module – Resumes and Cover Letters for Teachers.

Bonus Module Resumes and Cover Letters

This is for you if  you are a teacher changing career career with no idea how to write a  non teaching resume? In this short course you'll find out everything you need to know to write your own career change resume and cover letter.

Modules for this resource 7
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 Career Change for Teachers - Digital course
 $79.00 USD
  Career Change for Teachers - VIP Course
 $159.00 USD

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